Style Icon - James Dean

Friday 2 August 2013

Every man should know James Dean. There isn't a single style icon that could come close to the level of this man, not even Elvis or Ralph Lauren himself. He is the biggest influence on menswear that there has been in recent history. Why? Because he made blue-collar cool.

Okay, he may have had some help from Marlon Brando in 'A Streetcar Named Desire', but Dean was definitely the major player in making a white t-shirt and jeans acceptable for men all-over. The main cause of this was 'Rebel Without a Cause', with Dean pictured below in a red windbreaker, white t-shirt and jeans. He became a legend and a style icon straight from the opening credits.

So, since it's not hard to get your hands on a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans (everyone has a pair of jeans and you can get a t-shirt from Primark for £2.50) and since no one can pull off Dean's style quite as well as he can. I've picked another couple of pictures of James Dean to show you his style and how to get it.

The Breton Shirt

This is a classic picture of James Dean, probably one of the best and it has been a life-long advert for the Breton Shirt. Typically nautical, the Breton Shirt is basically a heavyweight striped top, but Dean seems to match it with a black long-sleeve polo of sorts. Genuinely adds some style.

The Fisherman Knit

Mr. Dean was big on the whole nautical and over-all, workwear kind of theme. Everything he wore came from the blue-collar side of life and he made it look good and he made it popular. What he wore didn't even always make sense, here he is in a black knit with grey trousers and white shoes... That should not work... But it does. This was the magic of James Dean.

So there you go... You can now try and look like James Dean. Although I will tell you now, you won't look as cool as him. Sorry.

Cheers guys,

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