Crep Protect - The Suede Shoe Saviour

Wednesday 11 December 2013

This is something that needs to be seen to be believed, but I assure you that it's one of the greatest things to happen to the footwear industry. Crep Protect is a product that claims to make your suede, nubuck, leather and canvas shoes water and stain resistant... Bullshit, right? 

Such huge claims had to be tested, after all there is only so much you can believe until you witness it first hand...

Yesterday I went out and bought a can for £10 (£9 with student discount) from Bank. Today it has been tested. I have witnessed the glory of Crep Protect first hand and I urge you to try it.

Here it is:

Do you see that? I'm silent in the video and that's just because my jaw is on the floor. My beautiful shoes are safe!

However, I feel like there's a massive mistake being made by the Crep team and that is that Crep Protect is marketed toward trainers only - but this works for everyone and anyone. 

All my main shoes will be sprayed with this, not one pair of trainers. I have so many shoes that need this protection. So Crep, I ask you to market this at all shoe types. Trainers, heels, brogues, monks, everything! It'll make you more money for one, and it's a much needed invention to revolutionise the footwear industry.

I am now a loyal customer of Crep Protect. Try it yourself and you will be too.

Cheers guys,

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