Join the MVMT

Tuesday 30 July 2013

MVMT is a new brand of watches that is affordable, reliable and stylish. There's nothing overly fancy about them, they are just nice watches that work; the creator, Jake Kassan, knows this and so he won't charge you a huge amount on mark-up for them. So instead of paying a huge amount for a watch, these are just $59 each (£38.50 or £46.30 with international delivery) and it's as simple as that. 

Here's the MVMT campaign video from Indiegogo to explain...

All you have to do to get one of these watches is to contribute money to this project on Idiegogo, and then you'll be one of the first to receive a MVMT watch and you will have helped create this great company. To be honest, they are already doing pretty well, having almost hit 900% of the campaign target, still with 8 days left. This goes to show how much people love the product, and if you do too, why not go ahead and help them even more?

I'd love to have one of these watches myself, they're minimalistic, nice and would be easy to wear every day. So for those of you who do have one of those expensive watches on your wrist, and who may have felt slightly stupid after watching this video... why not get one to add to your collection and to have one that you can wear more freely?

Cheers guys,

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