Next - Wish List Outfit #1

Friday 9 August 2013

After torturing myself earlier, I've decided to do my first wish list post. A wish list being all the things I want and could actually afford at some point in the near future. What better way to do this than to have a wish list from the company I work for? (Because if I decide I want this stuff, I get it 25% off). Also, the picture above is the actual store that I work in too.

Next may not always be considered to be the most fashion-forward of high street companies. However, the trends actually tend to be on level with places like Topman, just with a bit more of a hint of maturity. For this reason, I really like Next, it's based on the real man, not the truly skinny, teenage indie stereotype of the Topman consumer. Being 6ft2, broad shouldered, and generally big, this suits me well. And so, this is to counteract the torture from the Harrods Lust List.

Here's my chosen outfit from Next...

The Outfit:

Price: £65

Price: £20
(These shirts are brilliant casual and smart shirts, I have this white one, and I want more. My brother has three of them and plans to get more)

Price: £38
(A few people at work have these to work in. After a couple of washes they go to a really nice shade of blue and apparently the fit is great)

Price: £55
(All of us who work on menswear have a pair of the Next 'The Brogue' collection - They're really comfy and so well made)

Burgundy Leather Square Buckle Belt
Price: £16

I hope this proves to you that Next is actually pretty damn good when it comes to fashion and price. This entire outfit comes to £194, which is amazing for a whole outfit including a nice jacket. We all know that other places would sell the same jacket for at least £100

Here's to Next!

Cheers guys,

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