The Best of Burgundy

Sunday 25 August 2013

From the moment I typed the title of this post, I knew Ron Burgundy had to be included. But the post actually doesn't have that much to do with the Anchorman legend (although I may include a video at the end). This post is simply about the colour burgundy, the colour that has crept into being one of the key colours of this season.

I know what you're thinking, this is pretty late in the season to jump onto the burgundy band wagon... It's not. One of the best (and worst) things about menswear is that unlike womenswear, trends don't change so much year-to-year. In general, for a full trend change, menswear will take about four years. Certain colours may fall out of fashion within that time, but burgundy shouldn't. Plus, you don't find that many men that will actually stick to the seasonal colours religiously.

So, here are my burgundy picks for you...

Not the easiest of shirts to pull off necessarily, I wouldn't advise wearing it to work. But it does encompass two big trends at the moment, burgundy and dip dye. However, don't expect the different forms of dyeing to stay in fashion for as long as burgundy.

Price: £32

As you should all know by now, I work at Next and completely love the place. If anything, I love it for being basic. Everywhere else has a tendency to overcomplicate their clothing, whereas Next has a brilliant ability to keep it simple. This is a great example, the oxford shirt range is brilliant (I have one and my brother has many) and simple, especially with the deep burgundy.

Price: £20 (Yes, it's cheap too)

Sometimes simple jackets are the best and this proves my point. Although the white buttons could have done with being either black or burgundy, this jacket is pretty nice, simple and easy to wear with anything. I have no doubt that it will make it into my festival post that will be coming up soon (before I go to Bestival).

Price: £40

I have been eyeing these beauties up for quite some time now, they will definitely be the next addition to my uniform. When it comes to shoes, in general, oxblood is more common than burgundy. Both just as nice as each other, and normally mistaken for each other. To clarify, oxblood is a brown-based red; burgundy is a purple-based red. Now you know. But seriously, either is good.

Price: £68

So there are a quick four picks in burgundy. I wouldn't recommend pairing too much together, one item in burgundy will suffice to spice up your outfit/wardrobe a bit. It's a great colour to wear and will get you noticed, without you having to wear items of clothing that seem to say 'LOOK AT ME'.

Cheers guys,

P.S. To follow 'The Best of Burgundy'... Here's the best of Ron Burgundy.

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