My Festival Fashion

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Soon I will be heading off to Bestival and between now and then, I have to plan my outfits for the days and nights over on the Isle of Wight. I'll start off simple by saying that it's incredibly hard to go wrong when it comes to festival attire, you can get away with anything you like. However, my view is that I don't want my festival fashion to fall flat or be that different to usual. 

Here's how I'll do it...
I know that twill isn't the best material when it comes to hot days, but I love this shirt and I'm willing to bare the burden of heat to wear it. I may save it for the evenings thought, but whatever happens, it'll look good!

Price: £25

Yes, I like Next. If I'm honest, from the first moment I saw this top in store, I had to buy it. It'll be absolutely perfect for Bestival. Not only are the contrasted pocket and sleeves awesome, the top is also very lightweight. Great for when you're in the sun but when you know you're going to get colder later.

Price: £20

I've never been a huge fan of short sleeve shirts, but I'm now getting into them a bit more. Wearing one to a festival simple seems like a great idea. I won't get too hot, but I can still wear a shirt. I don't have this one, mine is similar but for £7 from Primark. Why not?

Price: £25

I actually love these shorts, they're great. When I first bought them, it was mainly because I knew they'd go well with my outfits for Bestival, now I just love them. Quite a skinny fit though.

Price: £10

Aren't they awesome? I love polkadot at the moment, and chambray is a great material. Having both in one is amazing!

Price: £10

These are beautiful. Genuinely, I have to have them! The boots I'm wearing to Bestival are actually higher, proper boots that I bought from Topman ages ago (On sale!), but these would be even more perfect. Brogue boots are a great way to make any casual outfit look amazingly stylish.

Price: £60

This is just a taste of my style for Bestival. I know I'm not dressing up or anything, but it'll be a good few stylish days. I will be wearing other things of course, they will be seen in the pictures afterwards, but for now, this will do. I need to go and pack after all, so I can go and see Elton John!

Cheers guys,

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