Winchester & Tunnel Vision

Sunday, 14 December 2014

This is not a post for you, it is for me (bear with me here). This is to remind me to enjoy the present, to be content with what I have and not fantasise beyond what is already surrounding me. I don't endeavour to sound overly philosophical or generally prattish - I am simply attempting to alter one of my deep-seated flaws: My tendency to look ahead, not around. Tunnel vision is an affliction that I cannot seem to shake.

Winchester has been my home for a little over five months now, yet my thoughts seem to consistently lie within this fantastic idea that I will be moving to London in a year or two, presuming all goes to plan. I know that plans and goals are two of the most essential segments of life - without them I would be lost in a directionless spiral. Not ideal. Although continuously looking to the future is not what I want to be doing. Winchester is rich with history and undoubtably captivating in its beauty; I live in one of the most astounding areas of the country, maybe even the world and I am entirely in love with it - yet I waste thoughts on this idealistic notion of being a Londoner.

So this will be a photography based post, using only images I have taken since living in Winchester. Despite the fact that this post has not been written/made specifically for you guys, I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed putting it together.

| Family Visit |

| Bonfire Night |

| Christmas Market Opening Night |

| Walking Around - Montezuma's & The Hambledon |

Cheers guys,

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