Swagger & Jacks Beard Oils Review*

Monday, 6 April 2015

As you well know, I am not blessed with a substantial beard - mine is mediocre at best - yet what little I have still deserves the best. It deserves to be cared for. This led me to using beard oil, which has become the most consistent segment of my grooming routine. When Swagger & Jacks, a barber shop based in my home city of Norwich, sent me their two new scented beard oils, I was keen to test them out to see whether they impressed me.
To be entirely honest, usually I find grooming reviews quite boring. Not to offend those that write them, it's simply that grooming products are subjective, so I feel that very little applies to me. It's for this reason that I don't really do them any more. I have made an exception here, partially because I consistently use beard oil and also because these are genuinely fantastic products. They hit every item on my checklist of a great product, which very few things do...

The design is subtle and classic, yet has all the information needed. The packaging is well branded.  Both oils soften my beard, moisturise my face and smell amazing, and the addition of the pump is a  practical God-send. What more could you possibly need from a beard oil? 

Okay, so you'd want a good price too. Beard oils have a tendency to be a little pricey, I admit. They may last a while but that one-time fee is painful for a seemingly small amount. How about £14.95 for 30ml? No? What about getting both the Premium Beard Oil and the Ultimate Beard Oil for £26.95? If that still sounds expensive to you then open another tab, bring up Google, search for beard oils and get back to me in five minutes.

Cheers guys,

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