Leeds Juicery | Branding & Design

Monday, 25 May 2015

I love a bit of branding, me.

Branding and art direction are two things that I am incredibly interested in. If you happen to stumble onto my mostly neglected Pinterest account, you'll realise that my 'design' board is easily my favourite. I find myself continuously searching for ingenious product design and brilliant branding, yet it is not something I share on here often. From now on, I will make more of an effort to feature the best finds. 

Meet the UK based cold-pressed juice company, Leeds Juicery

I'm not much of a juice/smoothie drinker. I'm certainly not someone who turns 'juice' into a verb... "Do you juice?". Although I find myself wanting to travel to Leeds so I can have some of this stuff. This is the power of branding - it makes those who don't want things (like me), want things.

The idea of all of those delectable ingredients being combined sounds freakin' lush and I truly love the fact that they give money to local projects (I love seeing companies be so local-minded - it's easy to forget local with the potential of internet-based global expansion).

For me though, it all comes down to the branding - it's so clean, simple, yet somehow eye catching. Use of extravagant colours and fonts has been replaced with subtle taste and quality. This company has it down. Don't get me wrong, I love colourful, playful and loud branding as well, but this is refreshing (no pun intended) and fitting to the product.

If anyone around Leeds fancies buying some of this and sending it down my way, let me know.

What do you make of the Leeds Juicery branding/design?

Cheers guys,

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